Profesor Ayudante Doctor
Hola! My name is Jaime Santos Rodríguez, I’m a Profesor Ayudante Doctor at the Department of Applied Mathematics at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Before that I was a Margarita Salas Fellow at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and at Durham University.
Previously I was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the MPIM, my mentor there was Prof. Dr. K.-T. Sturm. I did my Ph.D. at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and I was a member of the ICMAT. My adviser was Prof. Luis Guijarro.
You can reach me at: jaime.santos [at]
I’m particularly interested in metric measure spaces that admit generalizations of lower curvature bounds (Sectional and Ricci). These spaces appear naturally as Gromov-Hausdorff limits of manifolds. My research focuses on their isometry groups and the effect of isometric Lie group actions on these spaces.
(with Mauricio Che, Fernando Galaz-García, and Martin Kerin ) “Isometric Rigidity of Metric Constructions with respect to Wasserstein Spaces” (2024) arXiv preprint link
(with Diego Corro, and Jesús Núñez-Zimbrón) “Cohomogeneity one RCD spaces” (2024) arXiv preprint link
(with Javier Casado, and Manuel M. Cuerno )”On the reach of isometric embeddings into Wasserstein type spaces” J Geom Anal 34, 370 (2024) link
(with Qin Deng,Sergio Zamora, and Xinrui Zhao )”Margulis lemma on RCD(K,N) spaces.” (2023) arXiv preprint link ( to appear in Analysis & PDE).
(with Sergio Zamora) “On the Fundamental groups of RCD spaces.” Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal) (2023) link
“On isometries of compact L^p-Wasserstein spaces.” Advances in Mathematics (2022) link
“Invariant measures and lower Ricci curvature bounds.” Potential Analysis (2019). link
(with Luis Guijarro) “On the isometry groups of RCD*(K,N)-spaces” Manuscripta Math. (2018). link