Jaime Santos Rodríguez


Postdoctoral Fellow

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  • :pushpin: Info.

    Hola! My name is Jaime Santos Rodríguez, I’m a Profesor Ayudante Doctor at the Department of Applied Mathematics at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Before that I was a Margarita Salas Fellow at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and at Durham University.

    Previously I was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the MPIM, my mentor there was Prof. Dr. K.-T. Sturm. I did my Ph.D. at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and I was a member of the ICMAT. My adviser was Prof. Luis Guijarro.

    :incoming_envelope: Contact.

    You can reach me at: jaime.santos [at] upm.es

    :books: Research interests.

    I’m particularly interested in metric measure spaces that admit generalizations of lower curvature bounds (Sectional and Ricci). These spaces appear naturally as Gromov-Hausdorff limits of manifolds. My research focuses on their isometry groups and the effect of isometric Lie group actions on these spaces.

    :page_facing_up: Papers and preprints.

    :mega: Selected talks.